Amandine SERGEANT, ETH Zürich - VAW

After engineering studies and university in geophysics in Strasbourg
(EOST – Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre), Amandine Sergeant started to investigate glacier and ice behaviour related to the local seismicity. She is interested in the monitoring and the characterization of naturally triggered phenomena such as landslides, iceberg calving and glacier collapses from seismic source inversion and seismic recordings.
For her Msc thesis in IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris), Amandine analyzed and modelled the ambient noise sources in the North Atlantic ocean using long-term seismic records in Greenland and ocean wave models. She investigated the frequency-dependent variability of the noise sources with the ocean bathymetry and the presence of sea-ice along the Greenland coasts. She defended her PhD in 2016 on glacial earthquakes. Glacial earthquakes are major magnitude 5 events in Greenland associated to the calving and capsize of gigantic km-scale icebergs and are recorded worldwide. Seismic recordings can be used to monitor the Greenland ice-sheet discharge in the North oceans and reveal transition phases in the dynamic behaviour of Greenland fast-moving glaciers.
Amandine is now doing a PostDoc at ETH Zürich in the laboratory of Glaciology and Hydraulics with Fabian Walter on passive seismic interferometry studies from glacier microseismicity. She is intended to build efficient frameworks to extract stable and coherent Green’s functions from local high-frequency seismicity recorded at seismometers deployed directly on the ice, for glacier imaging and glacier change monitoring purposes.
Updated on 22 mai 2018