Coralie AUBERT, ISTerre
Technical partner of RESOLVE, Studies engineer / University Grenoble Alpes

Coralie Aubert was graduated from the Polytechnique Institute of Grenoble (Grenoble INP) as an engineer in electronics in 2005. She first had a 2 years professional experience at the National Seismological Center in Kathmandu, Nepal, where she took the lead of the project for the rehabilitation of the seismological network and the datacenter of the country.
Then, she joined the laboratory ISTerre in Grenoble in 2010. She started to work for the multidisciplinary Observatory of Versant Instabilities (OMIV) and then joined the mobile stations working group of the lab. She worked for several international projects as a technical coordinator : Alparray ( and Cifalps 1&2 for which she deployed broadband seismological stations along dense profiles or arrays across the Alps until the Mediterranean sea.
She gives her expertise to propose infrastructures to easily deploy seismological stations for temporary projects and to guarantee data quality and continuity. She also works closed to students and searchers and develops programs to process data for the different technics of seismological tomography (noise correlation data processing, events extractions for receiver functions).
Since 2017, she is the technical lead of SisMob, the french pool of mobile seismological instruments of the CNRS which recently added a new autonomous and compact seismological instruments : the nodes (Fairfield). At ISTerre, she is part of the Geophysical Instrumentation technical service since 2017 and she co-organizes the service with technical manager.
In the RESOLVE project, she works for the preparation and the deployment of the dense seismological array composed of 100 nodes.
Updated on 13 avril 2018