Stéphane GARAMBOIS, ISTerre
Scientific coordinator of RESOLVE-Séchilienne, Professor in geophysics at University Grenoble Alpes

His research focuses on multi-method geophysical characterization of various natural hazards, such as gravitational instabilities (landslides and rockfall), active faults, seismic site effects and glacial hazards. He is also interested in the multiphasic character of geological formations, by considering fluid’s effect in wave propagation imaging : passive and active seismic, electromagnetic, seismo-electromagnetic coupling. This quantitative imaging problem is of interest in environmental, hydrological, natural resources (oil, CO2) or geotechnical engineering problems. Deeper targets will be developed soon by considering magnetotelluric data to study geothermal areas as well as the link between seismicity and fluids.
All of the research proposed was based on real data (active or passive), implying a large number of field and laboratory campaigns conducted in France and outsides (Italy, Antarctic, New-Zealand, Laos, Ecuador ...). For quantitative interpretation of these data, methodological advances were sometimes proposed by combining theoretical and/or numerical developments with geophysical inversion. It includes the potential of seismo-electromagnetic wave conversions in poroelastic materials, thin layer characterization for stability assessment using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and also Full Waveform Inversion approach on GPR data for georesources and environmental purposes. In the RESOLVE Project, he will work on the three proposed sites (Argentières, water catchment of Lyon, Séchilienne landslides) notably using GPR and active/passive seismic data.
Updated on 9 avril 2018